"Deliveries are so esibox!"

Using esibox I can deliver day or night using my new electric van. Less congestion, less traffic, less pollution.

The esibox Delivery Journey

It's a short journey (but that's the point).

1: esibox Deployed

Shipping agents and operatives receive secure communications about the current state of their customer's esibox including whether the esibox is actively deployed and its parcel capacity in readiness for delivery. Alternatively, esibox can report that a return package is awaiting collection.


2: Open esibox and Deliver

Once the delivery operative is on site, esibox can be opened using several integrations with our API for smart unlock features. esibox high-definition security camera module also includes barcode/QR scanning and face-recognition, accurately capturing the operative and all data pertinent to the delivery/collection and esibox parcel capacity before and after.


3: Customer Takes Delivery

All parties are notified of a parcel drop, the customer receives notification via the esibox app. The customer retrieves the parcel and confirms a successful delivery. The esibox app review system, together with our affiliate's in-app offers and deals incentivises brand loyalty.


What's Next?

Find out about the esibox customer journey...

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